Nineteen months ago, we proudly brought aboard Chris Lema as our CTO. Chris’s counsel as a member of our board had been invaluable leading up to his hire and since then we’ve benefited from what many of you know about Chris already: his expertise, his evangelism, his intellect, his innovation, and yes, his amazing storytelling. But mostly we’ve benefited from another trait many of you know, and maybe some don’t: his generosity. He gave himself completely to the job with which he was tasked. Coming off two acquisitions within a six-month span a few months prior to coming aboard, he was able to focus on integrating new teams and disciplines at the same time. His advice and experience to the leadership team was always honest and with the best interests of the company at heart, and his dedication to our sales & marketing efforts pushed us to places we needed to go.
As with all our folks here at Crowd Favorite, we’re always striving to put people in the best position to succeed. Of course we do so by taking into consideration the value that each employee brings to our company, but more importantly we focus on making sure the company provides its own value: an optimal environment for each of our team members to be their best and do their best work. Knowing that Crowd Favorite aims for this constantly allows us to carry on well when a team member decides to move on. We know they’ve been given every opportunity to find a way to craft something for themselves here first, and so do they.
Of course, this is not goodbye. We’ve been fortunate to have Chris with us as long as we have. He’s been an invaluable member of our team over the last year and a half and we wouldn’t be where we are today without his considerable efforts. Chris and Crowd Favorite will always have a close relationship and we look forward to many more consultative discussions about the company, our projects, and our clients. He has been, and will remain, an integral resource that Crowd Favorite has to offer.