Creating a culture and operating a team globally can be a tricky process, especially as the team grows. Because a culture of collaboration and trust is so key to our success as a remote team, it is a core component in our development hiring process. Over the years we have not only optimized our remote hiring process, but we actively work to integrate both skills and culture conversations into each step in our hiring process.
Below is a snapshot of our development hiring process: an outline of the calls, who will be in attendance, and what you can expect at each one. We hope you find this help in your job hunt and interviewing process!

Introductory Call
Meet with the Director of EU Operations
Validate the candidate and get to know each other.
The introductory call is the first step in our development hiring process after we have reviewed your resume to get to know you. It is also a great opportunity for you to get to know us. On this first video call, you will meet with our Director of EU Operations and learn more about the position, our culture, and share about yourself and your skills.

Technical Call
Director of Technology & Development Team
Showcase your technical skills
Following the introduction call, we set a call to review skill sets. Because each role requires a different set of skills, we like to focus on the code you write daily. On this call, via screen share, you will share your code, recent projects, and answer technical questions from our team. This is a great opportunity to meet some members of our team, share your work, and learn more about our development process. And always- ask questions.

Culture Call
Director of EU Operations, Director of Operations & Director of Technology
Culture call to learn
The team at Crowd Favorite has worked hard over the years to create a culture for our team to thrive and grow in. For a new hire, a cultural fit is just as important as technical skills. On this call, you will meet with members of our management team to discuss more details about the role, responsibilities, and our development processes. As much as we are looking for a good fit for our team, we want to be sure this is a good fit for you. This call is an opportunity to review your goals and ask any questions about the role, team, and company.

Internal Review
Hiring Committee: CEO, COO, Director of EU Operations, Director of Operations & Director of Technology
Determine if candidate is a good fit
After each call our team meets to review the call and determine if a candidate should move forward in the development hiring process. Once a candidate passes through all three calls above, our internal team meets to review the candidate and decide if they will make an offer. If an offer is made, the candidate will be contacted by the Director of EU operations with the offer and a call will be set to review it together.

Offer → Accepted
On Boarding Team: Director of EU Operations, Director of Operations, Director of Technology
Review terms of the offer and begin on-boarding
Congratulations, you have accepted our offer and are now officially a Favoriteer! You have displayed both professional and technical skills and will be a good fit with our team. This is the final phase of the technical hiring process and the start of the on boarding process! Welcome to the team. At this stage we will review your start date and plan your onboarding.
As much as we are looking for a good fit for our team, we want to be sure Crowd Favorite will be a good fit for the candidate. While each call in our development hiring process has a specific purpose, we use this multiple call structure to evaluate the candidate several times throughout the whole process. How do they handle the technical call, are they comfortable on video, are they displaying the same consistent attitude throughout all the calls? Having at least three touch points throughout the process gives our team a better understanding of how this candidate will fit with our team.
We are always looking for talented members to join our team. If you are looking for a new opportunity, please check out our open positions.