It is spring time around here in Europe and a lot of WordCamps are happening in many different cities and countries. As part of the Crowd Favorite team, I have visited two WordCamps this year so far – volunteering at WordCamp London and speaking at the first WordCamp Belgrade.

WordCamp London 2015

The second WordCamp London was just as impressive as the first – a lot of great speakers from all around the world, great organization from the organizers, and a lot of fun. It started with a contributor day with people being segmented into groups by the different ways a person can contribute to the WordPress project: core, translations, BuddyPress, or documentation. The next two days were filled with presentations in three different tracks on business, development, and design. I was very happy to help with the registration process (featured image taken by Tammie Lister), where I saw many of my friends from the WordPress community again, and also found new ones.

WordCamp Belgrade

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWordCamp Belgrade 2015WordCamp Belgrade was the very first one organized in Serbia, and the community there had been anticipating their first event for quite some time. It gathered together people from the countries around Serbia and speakers from all around Europe. I gave a talk on the git version control system, as a lot of the attendees were more technical, being primarily WordPress developers.

The event has also a great video with interviews of the speakers. It was also streaming the event live, so people that were unable to attend the event could watch the talks online. On the second day there were two very interesting talks, one by the CTO of the Internet Group – a company building the site, a huge Serbian WordPress project – and a live coding session from MaxCDN. Both were great talks that I found inspiring, informative, and fascinating.

There are more and more WordPress events – Meetups, WordCamps and so on – coming in the next few months. I hope you will have the chance to visit, help, and enjoy some of them, as I myself always enjoy these events. They are a great way to network with people you might know of online, learn more about WordPress, and make new friends in a wonderful community that focuses on giving back.