During preflight a more detailed look is taken at the items selected during comparison to check for potential errors in deployment.
- Post Types
- Post types receive a detailed inspection to ensure that everything needed is present for the transfer. Problems that will hold up a transfer are:
- The post-type is not defined on the production server.
- A post-parent that does not exist on the production server and/or is not included in the batch. The post-parent will need to be selected for transfer to enable the batch to be sent.
- Post has a featured image that does not exist on the production server and/or is not included in the batch. The image may be attached to another post or exist unattached in the media gallery.
- The post has an attachment but the production’s uploads directory is not writable.
- The post has an attachment but the source image cannot be queried from the production server.
- Menus are evaluated to ensure that the production links of the menu items will be valid upon arrival on the production server. Problems that will hold up the transfer are:
- A production page does not exist on the production server.
- A production taxonomy archive page’s term does not exist on the server.
Note: A menu will never create anything other than the menu on the production server. Dependent pages and taxonomies must exist or be included in the batch for the menu to transfer.
- Users
- Users are evaluated to ensure that a duplicate email address does not exist on the remote server when a new user is being transferred in the batch.
- When a post item is transferred any necessary taxonomy items, attachments and users are transferred with it and updated or created on the production if necessary.
- Taxonomy terms are evaluated as if they were selected as an individual taxonomy object.
- The post-type definitions are not transferred as part of the batch. If the post type does not exist on the production then a code-base update is required on the production server so that the required post-type is registered before the batch is sent.
- Taxonomies
- Taxonomy terms are evaluated to ensure that the terms either exist or are safe to create on the production server.
Note: Taxonomy type definitions are not transferred as part of the batch. If the taxonomy is not defined on the production server then a code-base update is required on the production server so that the required taxonomy is registered before the taxonomy term can be sent.
- Links
- Links are evaluated to ensure that the link either exists or can be created on the production server. Link categories are also evaluated to check whether the category will be updated or created.
Note: When a link is transferred any necessary link categories are transferred with it and updated or created on the production if necessary. Link categories are evaluated as if they had been individually selected as a Taxonomy term.
- Plugins
- Plugins are not sent with batches. To update or install a plugin on the production server a code-base update is required on the production.