Preflight Check
Before sending a batch, you will first do a “preflight” check. In this check we attempt to make sure that everything will go smoothly when we RAMP the content up to production.
During Preflight a more detailed look is taken at the items selected during comparison to check for potential errors in deployment. For example, If you have a post-parent that does not exist on the production server, and is not included in the batch, that post-parent will need to be selected for transfer to enable the batch to be sent. Preflight will also check to make sure these items are included before sending is complete.
Warnings or errors show up during preflight and will not allow data to be transferred until the issue(s) is resolved. Preflight will give details in the warning and error messages before the batch can be sent. For example if the production server key does not match you’ll see “Unauthorized: key match failure”. Note, anything that triggers an error during Preflight will not allow batch to send. Items that Preflight reviews with more scrutiny are:
Posts / Pages / Custom Post Types
Check | On Failure |
author exists | triggers notice as users are sent with posts |
terms exist | triggers notice as taxonomy terms are sent with posts |
parent exists | if parent doesn’t exist check that parent is part of batch triggers error as parent’s are required to be present or part of batch |
upload directory is writable for attachments | triggers error |
attachment can be queried and transferred | triggers error |
attachment exists | trigger notice on action to be taken |
featured image exists | triggers error |
Check | On Failure |
duplicate email collision in the event that a user needs to be created | trigger error if email exists for user that needs to be created |
Categories / Tags / Custom Taxonomies
Check | On Failure |
taxonomy is defined | trigger error if taxonomy is not defined error tells user that taxonomies need to be manually managed |
terms for update, no-change, create | triggers notice of action to be taken (update & create) |
Check | On Failure |
action to be taken: update, create | triggers notice if missing |
Check | On Failure |
menu items quantity | triggers notice on empty menu |
menu item target on post_type menu items | triggers error if not present |
taxonomy exists on taxonomy menu items | triggers error if not present |
term exists on taxonomy term menu items | triggers error if term is not present and not part of batch |