Disney ABC Press Site
Spanning nearly a century of innovative media production and distribution, Disney has cultivated an indelible legacy that reaches every corner of the globe. Central to this is the “Disney General Entertainment Content” (formerly Disney ABC Press), which serves as the backbone for the company's TV operations.
Today Disney General Entertainment Content boasts a diverse range of networks, from primetime entertainment channels to dedicated platforms for families and news enthusiasts.
Key Results
Six+ Television Network Sites on a hard-to-adapt proprietary CMS
Before WordPress, DGE had six existing network sites, plus a corporate site, all built on an antiquated, proprietary system. As a result, the sites were disjointed and disorganized. This caused an information overload problem for the more than 8,000 members of the press who looked to these sites for fresh program-related content.
Content management was also a challenge for ABC staff, who were juggling multiple processes to update content across all of the sites. The two main goals were to unify the myriad of network sites into a cohesive, editorial workflow and create a master system architecture for guest navigation. All while retaining the unique branding of each network, ensuring clear regional distinction, and granting the press seamless access to public and exclusive program-related content.
The Solution
A custom WordPress-based solution was designed consolidating six sites into a unified editorial workflow with customized administration. This enables the editing team to manage content efficiently across all sites focusing on seasons & episodes, rather than pages & articles. The solution includes a fully integrated digital asset & relationship management tool that at one point grew to over 14 million assets, allowing editorial staff to bulk edit thousands of images simultaneously.
The system has both a uniform design language and content framework for a consistent look and feel that spans all sites. For example, editors can centrally edit one show, assigning individual asset permissions, and it will publish differently on multiple sites.
Today the system continues to evolve. Over the last decade, this WordPress solution has expanded and contracted sites and content as it acquired multiple brands, completely reshuffling asset permissions for international distribution at one point. This custom platform enables a longer lifespan that easily adapts as the business evolves or new content types are needed, without the need of a full rebuild.
Enterprise WordPress
Disney ABC Press was highlighted as an example of WordPress for the Enterprise on WordPress.org/Enterprise!
Looking for a Similar Solution?
Crowd Favorite has helped DIsney ABC Press achieve a decade of Open Source ROI success by seamlessly consolidating six network websites into a cohesive editorial workflow, all while retaining the unique branding of each network. Interested in learning more? Let's talk!